Voles are burrowing rodents with stocky bodies, small ears and eyes,
and a sparsely-haired tail. They are adapted to an existence that
is almost entirely below-ground (Figure 1). Typically, pocket gophers
appear aboveground to excavate soil to the surface or to disperse
to new areas. They are named for the large external fur-lined cheek
pouches that carry food or bedding material to underground caches
or nests. The lips of pocket gophers close behind the large incisors,
giving them a buck-toothed appearance. Powerful front shoulders and
limbs end in long claws that are adapted for excavating and moving
hundreds of pounds of soil in a year.
The plains pocket gopher is found throughout Nebraska, particularly
in alfalfa, pastures, rangelands, and roadside areas. The smaller
northern pocket gopher is found in clay soils north of the Pine Ridge
in northwestern Nebraska.
Adult pocket gophers range in size from 1/3 to 1 pound . Larger animals
are about one-foot long, including a four-inch tail. Their short fur
ranges in color from a dark chocolate brown to a sandy brown. Pocket
gophers are not protected by law.
Life History
Pocket gophers usually live alone within their burrows, except during
their breeding season in late winter to spring. A single litter of
three to four young are born between March and May. Young leave their
mother's burrow during late summer and may travel above ground before
digging their own burrow. Each adult pocket gopher occupies its own
burrow system most of the year but animals in neighboring burrows
can quickly re-occupy a vacant burrow. Populations of pocket gophers
in Nebraska may exist at densities of one to eight animals per acre.
Pocket gophers usually forage belowground, feeding on roots and even
pulling plants down into their burrows and feeding on stems and leaves.
Pocket gophers prefer succulent forbs (prickly pear, dandelion) and
legumes (alfalfa) to grasses and will eat many kinds of plants, including
the roots of trees and garden vegetables. Pocket gophers deposit soil
castes under snow. These are deposits of excavated soil placed into
tunnels that are dug through the snow. The castes are seen in spring
when the snow melts.
Figure 2. A single pocket gopher may exist within an extensive system
of feeding tunnels and chambers.
Pocket gophers create extensive burrow systems (Figure 2). The depth
of their feeding tunnels are typically 8 to 18 inches deep while their
nest chambers may be several feet below the surface of the soil. Tunnels
remain open throughout the year. During winter, the animals slow their
activity and periodically travel through existing tunnels to feed
on caches of roots, stems and leaves. Pocket gophers do most of their
mound-building in early spring and fall or in periods of wetter soil
conditions. Each pocket gopher can create dozens of mounds, sometimes
within a span of a few days. The burrow system of a pocket gopher
may cover more than one acre.
Pocket gophers excavate soil through newly opened lateral burrows
that run 45? to the soil surface. Mounds are fan- or bean-shaped,
in contrast to the conical shape of mounds of moles. Mounds of pocket
gophers may contain up to a bushel of soil whereas mole mounds are
much smaller.
Immediately after a mound is made, the gopher plugs the burrow with
soil to a depth of several inches. Occasionally a lateral burrow is
plugged without soil being excavated or a mound created. Below and
offset to the lateral burrows lie the feeding burrows in which pocket
gophers eat roots and pull down plants through quarter-size holes.
Economic Importance
Pocket gophers can cause extensive damage to native range, pasture,
and hay fields. They can also damage trees and shrubs in windbreaks,
orchards, and backyards, damage root crops in gardens, and create
mounds that damage turf in backyards, public parks, and golf courses.
Through their digging they can affect the integrity of airport runways,
roadbeds, dikes, canals, and other earthen structures. Gophers also
gnaw into buried utility cables and irrigation pipes. Their mounds
damage or slow hay harvesting equipment.
Pocket gophers adversely affect crops by directly feeding on roots,
stems and leaves, and by exposing plant roots to drying through their
burrowing. Gophers also cover growing plants with excavated soil.
In Nebraska, plains pocket gophers have reduced forage yield on western
Nebraska rangelands by 21 to 49 percent and on hay meadows by as much
as 30 percent. In irrigated alfalfa, yields have been reduced as much
as 17 percent and in dryland alfalfa in eastern Nebraska, as much
as 35 percent in those areas within fields that were occupied by pocket
Pocket gophers girdle the stems of young trees, chew or sever tree
roots that are up to 6 inches in diameter, and can damage up to 10-year-old
trees. Gophers are particularly troublesome when they move through
tunnels created by tree-planting machines in windbreaks and eat the
roots of young trees. Occasionally, pocket gophers burrow through
snow and damage young tree trunks. Signs of gophers include a smooth
gnawed surface, with 1/8-inch-wide tooth marks, or deeply gnawed wood
on stems that leaves a sculptured effect.
Mounds created by pocket gophers also dull and plug hay harvesting
equipment. Harvest operations are slowed and labor and equipment costs
rise when pocket gopher mounds are present.
Ecological Role
Skunks, fox, bobcat, weasels, hawks, owls, and bull-snakes feed on
pocket gophers but these predators have minimal affect on gopher numbers.
This is probably because gophers are rarely exposed above ground and
plug their tunnels immediately after excavating a mound. Pocket gophers
also readily block attempts by predators to dig into their tunnels
by fending them off with their strong teeth and claws, by retreating
into their extensive burrow system, or by pushing soil between them
and would-be predators. Pocket gophers play an important role in burrowing
and excavating soil that promotes the vertical cycling and mixing
of soil constituents.
Controlling Damage
Objectives. One objective in controlling damage caused by pocket
gophers is to reduce the population to a level where losses could
be tolerated. In forest plantations, research suggests that reducing
populations to two pocket gophers per acre is an economic level. No
comparable information is available for other crops or rangelands.
Reduction of pocket gopher numbers may be an appropriate objective
for preventing damage to high value cash crops when the manager does
not have control over adjacent areas that contain perennial populations
of pocket gophers.
Another objective in managing damage is to eliminate populations
entirely within an area or a portion of a field where immigration
of pocket gophers in not a perennial problem. In this case, 100-foot
buffers surrounding the treated field should also receive control.
Approaches to Maintenance. Community Effort. Control and maintenance
of pocket gophers should be a community effort. Neighboring fields
of perennial grasses, like those in native rangelands, pastures, land
enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program, and even roadside rights-of-way
contain pocket gophers that will immigrate into your protected fields.
Enlist the help of neighbors to develop a community-wide control program
to limit gopher populations in these source areas. Consider mowing,
cultivating or burning the source areas at the end of the growing
season to allow for better detection of mounds and subsequent control
of pocket gophers.
Border Patrols. Whether you use traps, toxic baits or cultural methods,
new animals will immigrate into your protected fields. Mounds will
most likely appear first near the edge of the field. Mounds also appear
near bales, loaves, or stacks of hay where the gopher seeks warmth
and food in the soil below. Once the initial control program is complete,
you should patrol the 100 feet outside of the field perimeter at least
three times during the growing season. To maintain a 100-acre field,
you will likely spend as little as one hour (hand baiting) to six
hours (trapping) three times each growing season.
Traps. Trapping requires much labor in both setting and checking
the traps. Trapping is best employed in fields up to 20 acres, in
larger fields that are sparsely or sporadically inhabited by pocket
gophers, or as a follow-up control with toxic baits. Trapping also
can be used as a substitute for chemical control in areas that are
near surface water or where there is a high water table. Labor costs
for trapping are about 35 percent higher than for baiting methods.
Figure 3. Pocket gopher traps.
Many styles of traps are available for controlling pocket gophers
(Figure 3). Three lethal types are clutch-jawed, choker-loop, and
box traps. Trap sizes vary among models or brands. Select traps that
relate to the average size of pocket gophers in the local population.
In one technique, two traps are seated on the floor of the main burrow,
pointing in opposite directions (Figure 4). In another technique,
a single trap is seated on the floor of the lateral burrow. Some trappers
prefer to close the burrow entrance after setting traps while others
leave the burrow entrance open. The latter technique presumes that
the gopher returns to the trap site because of the light and air movement
associated with the opening. One caution in using this method is that
pocket gophers respond by pushing soil in front of them to close the
opening. Traps may be tripped by the soil rather than by the animal.
Pocket gophers quickly bury, and may even create new mounds, over
top of tripped traps. Always secure traps with a wire that leads to
a stake at the soil surface. This helps in retrieving either a buried
trap or one in which there is a wounded animal. Pocket gophers can
inflict painful bites, and extreme caution should be used in handling
Figure 4. Two approaches to making a trap set belowground for pocket
Baits may be used when placing two traps in the main burrow and when
burrow entrances are closed. Young carrots, tomatoes, and fresh alfalfa
leaves and roots have been used as bait.
Toxic Baits. Toxic baits can be applied belowground to pocket gopher
burrows in three ways: 1) hand baiting through opened mounds, 2) hand
baiting through holes opened above burrows and 3) machine baiting.
Applying bait aboveground for pocket gopher control is both ineffective
and illegal.
Toxic baits have varying levels of effectiveness, ranging from 10
to 90 percent. As of February 2003, the only products registered for
use on pocket gophers in Nebraska include:
0.5% strychnine-treated grain baits
2% zinc phosphide-treated pellets and grain baits
63% concentrate powder of zinc phosphide
0.005% chlorophacinone pellets and grain baits
0.005% diphacinone bait bars
Both strychnine and zinc phosphide are single-dose poisons. Quantities
over 5 pounds of strychnine-treated bait and zinc-phosphide-treated
bait are Restricted Use Pesticides. Individuals that purchase or apply
the baits as commercial applicators must be certified by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency and licensed by the Nebraska Department
of Agriculture. Zinc phosphide should be rotated with other toxic
materials in a baiting program so that pocket gophers do not develop
a taste aversion to it.
Chlorophacinone and diphacinone act as an anticoagulant. Gophers
must eat repeated applications of bait for it to have a lethal effect.
Both chlorophacinone and diphacinone are General Use Pesticides. Check
for current registrations with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture
and follow all pesticide label instructions before purchasing or applying
toxic baits.
Figure 5. a) two-foot length of stiff wire or a long-handled screwdriver
for probing, b) long-handled spade or spoon or a hand trowel for digging,
c) a funnel for dispending bait, and d) a flag for marking mounds.
Hand Baiting. Several tools may be useful for hand baiting (Figure
5). To place bait into a pocket gopher's burrow, dig through the mound
and soil plug or use a probe to directly enter the burrow from above.
To dig, choose a freshly excavated mound that is small and bean- or
The most recently excavated mounds generally are at the perimeter
of the burrow system. Use a 2-foot length of 9-gauge wire or a long
screwdriver blade to probe through the mound on the concave side or
at the apex of the fan to locate the soil plug and the open burrow
below (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Probing through the soil plug.
Use a hand trowel or small shovel to excavate through the plug. Place
a quantity of bait specified by the label (usually a teaspoonful)
deep into the burrow using a long-handled spoon. Bait bars also can
be applied using this technique. To probe and enter a burrow from
above, use a pointed 3/8-inch diameter metal rod to probe about 12
to 18 inches from the concave side of the mound. The burrow will typically
lie from 8 to 18 inches below the surface. The probe will accelerate
as you enter the burrow. Apply bait through the opening made by the
Several commercial probes have bait holders to dispense the bait through
the hollow probe. You may have to use a 3/8-inch metal rod as a probe
prior to probing with the larger diameter models to enter soils that
are dry, compacted, or of high clay content. Whether hand baiting
through the mound or via probes, always close the opening by kicking
it with the heel of your shoe. Be careful to prevent loose soil from
covering the baits in the burrow.
For best results when hand baiting, apply baits to all freshly excavated
mounds. A pocket gopher may excavate several mounds at different areas
of its tunnel system. Apply bait at two to five locations within a
single tunnel system so the animal quickly consumes the bait. Baits
that remain in the tunnel will be consumed by gophers that subsequently
enter the system.
Machine Baiting. Machine baiting can be done by using a tractor-drawn
burrow-building machine or "gopher getter" to create tunnels
in which bait is applied. Gophers enter the tunnels created by the
machine during their normal digging activities and find the bait.
Several models of burrow builders are available. Custom rates for
burrow builder operations usually start at about $5.00 per acre at
2003 prices. For detailed information, see the NebGuide Using Burrow
Builders for Pocket Gopher Control G03-1510, which is available at
a Cooperative Extension office near you.
Frequency and Time of Baiting. Regardless of the application method,
toxic baits can be of most benefit when applied during early March
or April, when pocket gophers are most active and their populations
are at their lowest. Toxic baits are effective at any time of year
when applied in tunnels below new mounds. In hand or probe-applied
baiting, if new mounds appear within three to seven days, apply toxic
baits again. Burrow builders are typically used in alfalfa before
spring growth and after the last harvest of the crop. New mounds may
appear for 10 to 14 days after burrow builders are used because it
usually takes time for the pocket gophers to find the baits in the
machine-made tunnels.
Fumigants. Generally, fumigants are not effective in controlling
pocket gophers. The effects of fumigants are reduced when pocket gophers
respond to the gases by blocking the tunnels, Fumigants are unlikely
to spread through the extensive burrow system, particularly if they
are not similar in weight to the air that exists within the burrows.
Only two fumigants are registered for controlling pocket gophers:
tablets or pellets of 55 percent - 60 percent aluminum phosphide,
and gas cartridges with various active ingredients. Products that
contain aluminum phosphide are Restricted Use Pesticides. Gas cartridges
are General Use Pesticides and are commonly sold at discount stores
and lawn, garden, or farm supply stores. Aluminum phosphide slowly
releases a toxic gas over a period of hours while gas cartridges are
ignited and burn quickly while eliminating the oxygen within the burrow.
Fumigants are applied into the burrow as in the procedure for hand
baiting. The burrow entrance is then closed with soil, being careful
not to cover the pellet, tablet, or burning cartridge. Low soil moisture
can reduce the effect of aluminum phosphide or of gas cartridges.
Propane exploders with wands are dangerous because of their percussion
and fire hazard and have not been proven as effective. For more information
on fumigants, see the NebGuide Fumigation of Burrowing Rodents with
Aluminum Phosphide or Gas Cartridges G02-1477. Evaluating Your Results.
Evaluating your trapping, baiting, or fumigation efforts depends upon
your situation. For owners of backyards, the evaluation may be to
monitor the treatment area for a period of seven to 10 days, looking
for the appearance of new mounds.
Farm and ranch managers, orchardists, and others, can do a more thorough
evaluation by flagging at least 25 mounds in separate burrow systems
within the treatment area. Open each burrow with a hand trowel and
revisit the opened holes about 24 to 48 hours later. When using anticoagulant
baits, wait at least two weeks to open holes and evaluate your success.
If machine baiting with burrow builders, wait at least one week to
open holes.
Leveling Mounds. Hand or tractor-drawn implements can be used to
scrape or rake the mounds to spread the soil over the surface. You
can then examine a field for any new mounds that may appear in the
days following treatment . You can also reduce the damage caused by
mounds during harvest operation by spreading the soil away from the
Exclusion. Underground cable or pipe can be protected by backfilling
the trench with 6 inches of large gravel 1-inch or greater in diameter
to surround the pipe. Cable companies use steel armor or spaced wire
basket protectors around the cable to protect them from gophers.
Use pipe that is greater than 2.1 inches in diameter for underground
water lines or conduit. They are much less likely to be gnawed than
pipes of a smaller diameter because pocket gophers cannot gain a purchase
with their teeth.
Cultural Methods. Eliminate weeds and other broad-leaved plants in
grasslands by hand digging or by using herbicides.
Alfalfa that borders range, pastures, or other perennial crops is
more susceptible to pocket gopher damage than alfalfa that borders
weed-free, clean-tilled row crops. Small grain crops can also serve
as buffers around alfalfa or tree plantations.
In annual crop rotations, row crops used in two successive years
with alfalfa can reduce pocket gopher populations. Also, try varieties
of alfalfa that are less susceptible to damage from pocket gophers.
Use varieties with fibrous roots rather than a single taproot or with
crowns that are broad and positioned close to the soil surface, instead
of those with crowns that are small and partially elevated.
What Doesn't Work. Repellents, like moth balls, and others do not
work because the animal may likely close and reroute its burrows,
even if the odor or taste is obnoxious to them. Plants, like chrysanthemum,
castor bean (Ricinus), and "gopher" spurge (Euphorbia) have
not been proven as repelling to pocket gophers.
Repellents, like capsaicin, have been used to reduce gnawing on buried
cable, but no products are currently registered for use against pocket
gophers. Electronic, magnetic, and vibrating devices have not been
proven as effective. Barn owl nest boxes and perch poles have been
used to promote owl predation but there is no evidence that this reduces
damage by pocket gophers.